The Benefits of Collaborative Assignment Work
In academics, assignments play a crucial role in understanding the knowledge students gain from the courses. In every institution, students must do assignments and projects that help them practice their knowledge and learnings. In academics, group work is essential and encourages students to learn effectively. Collaboration denotes doing tasks with others, leading to increased student encouragement, developing the we-feeling among students and helping them learn better. Assignments are given in two forms, and sometimes it is given as individual forms where the students need to submit the report in writing form about what they have learnt. And sometimes, students are instructed to do assignments by formulation of a team. In collaboration assignments, students learn by helping others and strengthening a wide range of students skills. According to Lev Vygotsky, learning is shaped with the help of effective communication, and it increases self-management and time-management skills. Multiple learning theories suggest that the benefits of involving with group work or group learning help to satisfy the desires and goals of learning. Group collaboration increases student engagement, and learners can take part in an active learning process. The primary benefits of collaborative assignment work are- it helps in breaking down complex tasks into simple tasks, provides better development of time management skills, gives and receives feedback which is helpful to understand the strong and weak points for the students, and harnesses students’ communication and self-management skills. Assignments are given to pupils to encourage them to share their learning experiences. Collaborative discussions help students learn about new things and feel comfortable sharing their issues with their peer group.

Doing collaborative assignments supports students’ development by encouraging them to work together; they can discuss multiple concepts together, enhancing their knowledge. Multiple times it can be seen that students feel anxious while giving tests and attending exams. Collaborative assignments will be crucial in eradicating exam anxiety over testing, and students can be more focused on demonstrating their knowledge. Students’ academic life should be given full support to ensure their growth and development, and with the help of collaborative assignments, students can widen their thinking process. The learning process becomes more flexible, and it helps to increase the student’s learning experience. The benefits of collaborative learning are multiple, and it is quite effective to put students together and provide them with all the resources that can help them for over development of their academic careers.